Converting your lawn to a garden isn't a complicated process. Below are the steps we recommend to do a thorough, high-quality transformation while saving money and having fun with your friends and neighbors!
1. Apply for Lawn Conversion Rebates
Your local water agency may offer rebates for converting your lawn, but don't forget to properly document your current lawn before you begin to remove it. Our Rebates and Discounts page will help guide you through the process.
2. Download our Sheet Mulch Party Toolkit
Sheet Mulch Parties are a great way to make short work of your project, while having fun with your neighbors and friends, and spreading the word about losing your lawn. We've put together a guide with all you need to know about planning and hosting your own Sheet Mulch Party! Download the Toolkit Here.
3. Determine Material Needs
Use our online Materials Calculator to determine how much mulch and compost you’ll need, and get a basic cost estimate.
4. Locate Materials
Visit our Sheet Mulch Marketplace to locate bulk recycled compost, mulch, and weed barrier from vendors in the East Bay. Find plant selection tips and plant lists on StopWaste's website.
5. Convert your Lawn!
Now you're ready! Our 'How To Sheet Mulch' guide will help you plan the process, and provide helpful tips along the way.
Need additional help?
Join our East Bay Garden Friends Facebook Group. Connect with other gardeners, share your sheet mulching stories, and get tips from the pros.
- Hire a Bay-Friendly Qualified Professional. It’s good to know when to call in the pros. Visit Rescape California's website for a Directory of Bay-Friendly Qualified Landscape Professionals who offer sheet mulching and other sustainable landscaping services, like design consultations.