Lawn Conversion Payback Calculator

Explore our interactive Payback Calculator to determine how quickly you can recoup your landscape project costs. Simply select your city, input your lawn area to be converted, and navigate through cost assumptions to obtain an estimated payback period. Make informed decisions on sustainable lawn conversion and irrigation today.


Lawn Conversion Project Scope

(sq. ft.)
(sq. ft.)
(sq. ft.)
Existing Irrigation:
New Irrigation:
Lawn Conversion Method:
Will compost be applied as part of your lawn removal process?:

Project Costs

Project cost is based on labor requirements and quality of materials. For donated materials/labor or other pricing, enter cost in field.

(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)
(per sq. ft.)

Cost Estimate

(per sq. ft.)

Cost Savings

Annual Maintenance Costs

(per year)
(percent per year)
(per year)

Avoided Costs

(per year)
(per year)
(per year)

Water District Rebate

Water Usage and Cost

(gal. / year)
(gal. / year)
(gal. / yr.)
(CCF / yr.)
(per year)


Final Costs

/ sq. ft.

Payback Timeframe (years):

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